A Guide to Strategic Supplier Management in New Product Development

Technician working on printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) with soldering tool.

Developing a new product is a complex and dynamic process that requires the collaboration of multiple stakeholders, including engineers, designers, suppliers, and regulatory bodies. One key to successful new product development is managing suppliers effectively, ensuring they meet the required quality standards, cost targets, and delivery schedules. This guide will outline five phases of new […]

RoHS and REACH Compliance: Why Are They Important?

Compliance concept image with icons, virtual screen, and businessman touching button

What are REACH and RoHS? RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) is a European Union (EU) directive restricting the use of hazardous substances in electronic products. It was introduced in 2003 to protect human health and the environment from potential harm caused by substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium. The directive aims to […]

Benefits of a Design for Supply Chain Methodology

Nortech supply chain management collaboration

If you have been involved in manufacturing anything in recent history, you have been there – you have customer orders waiting, your lines are down, and you are just learning now that your components won’t be available for weeks, or even months, because of supply chain issues. That low-cost custom part could now hold up […]

Supply Chain Risk Management Best Practices

Tired technician sitting at does wondering how supply chain risk management best practices could help his situation

When You Can’t Support Your Customers You may not be the doctor telling the patient that their medical tests and procedures have to be delayed because there aren’t enough supplies on hand. You may not be the operations officer watching your AOG (aircraft on the ground) hours rising out of control, leaving your troops immobilized […]

Program Management Is Key to Your Successful Product Launch

One of the key strategies to a successful on time and on budget product introduction is to partner with a firm that offers high-value program management services. As you evaluate possible partners, consider the project management methodology as well as the frequency and completeness of the communication with your team. Nortech’s program management team focuses […]

Factors to Consider When Assessing a Manufacturer’s Quality Management System

Vision measuring instrument inspecting printed circuit board (PCB)

Why Is a Quality Management System so Important? A Quality Management System (QMS) is a formal system that documents processes and responsibilities for enforcing quality policies and objectives. A QMS helps support and direct an organization’s activities to meet customer and regulatory requirements and improve its overall performance. It covers aspects like documentation of the […]

Top Design for Manufacturability Considerations

A circuit board assembly line with components designed for manufacturability

The general engineering practice of designing products for manufacture is known as Design for Manufacturability (DFM). This technique is practiced across nearly every engineering discipline. This article details common design principles used to improve manufacturability, such as using a multi-functional team, standardizing parts, and minimizing over-constraints. Some of the expected benefits of incorporating these engineering […]

Active Optical Cables VS Traditional Copper

Assortment of copper cables

Traditional copper wiring has many constraints. As InfiniBand data speeds increase and data centers cluster in size, copper cable technology is being pushed to its limits. Passive cables are restricted by their conductivity and can only carry a certain amount of data over short distances. Active optical cables transcend some of the constraints of passive […]

Machine Vision Applications Of Active Optical Xtreme

Machine Vision example

Machine vision is a technology that uses cameras, software algorithms, and other processing hardware to generate rapidly increasing amounts of video and still imagery for real-time analysis. Nortechs Active Optical Xtreme cable is the best way to keep up with the rapid changing vision systems.  Vision systems are used in various industries, such as automotive, […]